Garnet is a sandblasting mineral, derived from either Almandite or Andradite deposits. Garnet is a sandblasting mineral, derived from either Almandite or Andradite deposits. It is inert natural mineral and varies from pink to reddish brown colour. This is an industrial gemstone that creates a profile virtually free of embedment. Which makes it excellent for coating adhesion

Steel Shot
Steel shot is spherical grains made of molten steel through an atomization (granulation) process, available in different sizes and hardnesses. It is used in airless wheel blast machines to clean foundry castings, surface polishing and shot peening.

Steel Grit
Steel grit is grains with a predominantly angular shape obtained by crushing steel shot, therefore they exhibit sharp edges and broken sections. It is harder than steel shot, it is also available in different sizes and hardnesses.

Glass Beads
Glass Bead is the product of choice to obtain a finish with no profile. The non-metallic spherical beads provide effective cleaning, polishing, deburning or peening of metal, plastic or rubber materials.

Glass Grit
SA Glass Grit glass abrasive is clean, high quality, close graded, made from 100% recycled glass. This is an inert abrasive which is suitable as a substitute of garnet and other abrasives. SA Glass Grit abrasive contains less than 1% free silica, no heavy metals which is a significant factor in situations where the use of other abrasives is not acceptable for environmental or safety reasons.

SA Grit
SA Grit Coal slag will blast off the toughest coatings so you can prepare surfaces right the first time. Achieve consistent, high quality performance that you demand in a coal slag abrasive. It is tough, clean and economical.

Brown Aluminum Oxide
SA Aluminum Oxide (BFA / A) is produced by fusion of high-quality bauxite in an electric arc furnace at high temperatures. It is of compression strength, high toughness, self-sharpening, lower expansion coefficient, no rusty spot, good hydrophily, high cleanliness.

Copper Slag
Copper slag is a by-product of copper extraction by smelting. Copper slag is mainly used for surface blast-cleaning. Abrasive blasting is used to clean and shape the surface of metal, stone, concrete and other materials.